Unit 8

For unit 8 I have to intially think of what elements of the course I have enjoyed the most. Then start to look at the titles provided in unit 8 brief and focus on a project you could create showing off the best of those skills. This could be a film project, photography, graphic design, animation and so on… whatever I feel I would be best at. The brief is on Microsoft teams with a video explaining. So on the brief we have been given scenarios music, education, a journey, discarded, arrival and departure. The one I been thinking about is a journey and skill I have enjoyed the most has been photography. So maybe what I could do is do a walk to one side of the mountain to other and edit it on premier pro, I made add clips in with text saying what is going on. I will add copyright free music too as this will make the video more interesting than boring. I may have like a little story going on too as I will take my dog and i will be documenting his little journey up the mountain. In the brief it talks about making a reflective journal I will make this as another post on WordPress has it is easier to access and will keep updating whenever I do anything on this project like planning, changes, filming, editing, etc. I will also need to make a project proposal and send it to a tutor for approval so I can then start my research. The project proposal will be made in word because I could use template and add tables which can make it more presentable.


So the video will be around 2/3 minutes long and the video will be about my dog’s journey to the top of the mountain. I have been watching videos with similar concepts. I have also been looking at copyright free music which brings a happy mood to the video. I want to start the video in my house with a title saying “this is Toby and this is his journey”. I want to add transitions in between each scene.