Different types of animation.

Flip book is a little book with loads of drawings on every page and when flip through the pages fast it should be like watching a animation on a little piece of paper

I liked this video because shows a poor design being turned into a much better upgrade than the original.

3D Animation is one of the most popular style of animation because of blockbuster films like Toy story, Shrek, Nemo, Frozen, etc… This also used for CGI (computer-generated imagery), so this can be used to make monsters, fight scenes, suits and more.

This animation was funny and made me intrigued to find out what will happen at the end.

2D animation focuses on creating characters, storyboards, and backgrounds in two-dimensional environments. Often thought of as traditional animation, the figures can move up and down, left, and right. They do not appear to move toward or away from the viewer, as they would in 3D animation.

I liked this because it was funny and the effects was nice.