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My First Blog Post

Be yourself; Everyone else is already taken. — Oscar Wilde. This is the first post on my new blog. I’m just getting this new blog going, so stay tuned for more. Subscribe below to get notified when I post new updates.

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Website Design

Authentic Colours Typeface Font Layout-Grid Images GIFS Target Audience Purpose Communication Mobile Companies I don’t like but have good websites Companies I like but have bad websites

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3D Camera Tracking

Camera Tracking is a process which involves taking a post that has been filmed with a real live camera and tracking the motion so that 3D elements can be added to it. This process is used countless times throughout movies and tv shows to add special effects, backdrops, robots, you name it. ( › tutorials › introduction-to-camera-tracking) I used AfterEffects. The first thing I […]

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Kinetic Text

Here is a little tutorial on how to create a video on how to use Kinetic Text. This video explains what you could do with Kinetic Text Animation. (For Business) Kinetic text is basically moving text in a video to express ideas using video animation. I will be using this clip for the audio because […]

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Robot Walk Cycle

First I got the images of the robots body parts from Gareth’s WordPress, I then imported the images to After Effects. Next, I had to build the robot by placing them in the right position, changing the sizes and making the images lap over each other. After i did this I used anchor points on […]

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Unit 4

Primary and Secondary Research Defamation of Primary Research- This is used to collect data instead of depending on other data from another research. So this this means you collect the data yourself. Examples include surveys, interviews, etc. It is important to use primary research because it is good to have new, unused data to help […]

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Food adverts

This is the KFC advert “Chicken Town”, What I liked about this advert is the music suits the video on what is happening and i also like the theme of the advert as it seemed a bit western. What I did not like about the advert is that is was a little boring and bland. […]

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Media Sectors

The five main Media Sectors are… Moving image; Film, TV, Youtube Audio; Music; Radio, Audio Books, Podcasting Publishing; magazines, books, articles Websites; Amazon, Youtube, Twitter, Google Gaming; Trailers, Commentary, Gameplay What is Synergy?-Synergy is when two or more organisations combine together and work on projects like movies, audios, games, etc. For example Disney has worked […]

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Restoring Photos

The tools I used for the transformation was the spot healing tool and the clone stamp tool. For this I only used the clone stamp tool to remove a variety of things such as toys, hose, cars and patches in the mountains.

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About After Effects.

Tool Panel- Selection tool, Grab tool, Zoom and Rotation tool. Shape/Mask tool. Pen tool, Text, Pin tool. Selection tool- Allows you to select one or more files, images and sound clips. Grab tool- With this you can grab a variety of things such as images. Zoom- Allows you to zoom Rotate- You can rotate things […]

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